Saturday, August 8, 2009

Flickr online photo sharing

I had never heard of Flickr before so this was a new opportunity for me. I have had previous experiences with Photobucket which is a similar online photo sharing and storing tool. This made it easy to set up my free account and upload photos. Flickr is great for uploading your photos to share with friends and family members who live locally and internationally. This website is free and when using the photos you don’t have to worry about copyright as you are covered by the Creative Commons Licence.

I was looking through the photos and found this amazing photo taken by Muha.
I also had a look at the other photos they have uploaded to share and was left speechless. They are beautiful and different effects have been added to each photo.

When Flickr is used in the classroom the setting needs to be set to private so the rest of the users of the website are not able to access photos uploaded by the class (For confidential and privacy reasons of the school and families). I would not allow students to search using Flickr without close supervision by a Learning Manager. This is because inappropriate pictures may come up even thought the website is used for educational purposes. If the Learning Manager is unable to watch students closely or due to lack of resources, I would create a list of possible choices for the students to use in their work. This reduces the risk of students searching and finding images not relating to the topic and students getting off task.

This is a great tool to use for Visual literacy, as moving and still images can be found on this site. It can hook the students in and link to Visual Arts using Flickrs linked website Picnik.
Picnik edits the photo and adds different effects to the photo. But I will tell you more about Picnik in my next blog.

The photos on this website are amazing and they are taken by people from all different countries around the world and they have uploaded them to share with the rest of the Flickr users.

- Natalie

Reference List
Creative Commons.(n.d.). About. Retrieved August 9, 2009, from

Muha.(2009). Untitled. Retrieved August 9, 2009, from

Photobucket.(2009). Image hosting. Retrieved August 9, 2009, from

Picnik.(2008). Photo editing made fun. Retrieved August 9, 2009, from

Yahoo 7.(2009). Flickr. Retrieved August 9, 2009, from

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